The awsome game saver

Only five minutes from on clock and it’s 5 to ten 7, the other team has the ball and he is just in front of the half court line, and he shoots. A terrifying thought went through my head, It was that if that ball went through the hoop we can’t win. The thing is in basket ball there is no way you can get two three pointers in two minutes. The good thing is that the ball bounced of back board and conveniently into my hands, I run in front the half-court line and shoot. The next thing I know the team is cheering for me.

2 thoughts on “The awsome game saver”

  1. Hello Sharan,
    Your story was interesting and reminded me of some games I watched on television during the Tokyo Olympics. Chance can make a difference in sport and it seems it was in your favour when the ball rebounded into your hands. Well done.

    Ross Mannell (Team 100WC)
    Teacher (retired), N.S.W., Australia

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